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About me

Just a guy who can code

I’ve been interested in technology from early middle school, taking various programming and IT classes, competing in hackathons, and working on different personal projects since then.


Java developer with experience in SpringBoot and Minecraft plugin development. Other languages include PHP, Python, and JavaScript with the rare projects in C++, Lua, and C#. I also tinker with microcontrollers like ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, and Arduino. My servers run Ubuntu or CentOS!

Some projects will show up here soon!

Latest news from my blog

Check back here for occasional projects I work on that don’t make it to Github

This is my first post here, I spent the afternoon spinning up a VM Instance on the Google Cloud Platform, configuring Firewalls, SSH, and connecting it all to my domain,! After that, I authenticated my domain with a mailer service so that I could receive […]